From Bitter Ground
Can I do this alone? Do I need a partner?
- From Bitter Ground is designed as a two-reader experience. You pick your partner and go from there. That said, if you want to read alone, then that’s fine too. You can purge the data from your account at the end of the experience and read the second work too.
Do I carry the books with me?
- Up to you. They’re not designed to be easy to carry, so we’d suggest not. You can refer to them at any point during the whole work though, and afterward.
Do I need a modern phone?
- You don’t. You need a data connection, and that’s it.
- Your device will need functioning Location Services/GPS and for it them be enabled.
- Android: The app should work on almost all android devices running Chrome or Firefox browsers.
- iOS: On iOS you will need to be running iOS version 11.3 or higher and use the Safari or Chrome browsers.
How long will it take?
- You’ll get access to the Prologue when you buy the books. When they arrive, Part 1 of the whole work has four chapters. You can leave gaps between days, but the whole thing can’t be done faster than in four successive days.
Do I need to be in the same place as my reading partner?
- No. We’ll link your accounts so that your progression through the work is paired, but your reading partner can be on the other side of the world if you wish.
These Pages Fall Like Ash
How long will These Pages Fall Like Ash take to read?
It’s up to you. There’s an interval between each of the three episodes, but it’s up to you how long that is. Minutes, hours, or days. But the next episode will be waiting for you if you’re busy.
Is there a minimum system requirement?
Your device will need functioning Location Services/GPS and for it them be enabled.
Android: The app should work on almost all android devices running Chrome or Firefox browsers.
iOS: On iOS you will need to be running iOS version 11.3 or higher and use the Safari browser.
Is this work appropriate for someone under 18?
We took out the one swear word from the first edition, so yes. You can walk the piece with them too. It’s designed to be read - as a book is - by yourself, but there’s no reason you can’t walk it with someone else.
My phone won’t recognise locations - help!
Check you have Location Services turned on and have allowed access for both your browser and this website in your settings. If there’s still a problem, email [email protected] and we’ll see what we can do.